Jonny's Senior Project!

As most of you know I am about done with this silly school nonsense and I am working on a senior project. I would like to build an electric motorcycle and to do so I need some help. I am in serious need of some sponsors. If you are interested, just leave a comment or get a hold of me. All donations big or small are greatly appreciated and are 100% tax deductible!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My first power tool!

So I must be turning into a real man finally I got my first power tool! I picked myself up a nice little grinder from Home Depot, I even got a deal on it because I wanted the cheaper on but the guy could not find any so he gave me the more expensive one for the price of the cheaper one. There are a whole bunch of engine mounts and flanges that take up those precious few inches of space that I need for batteries so like old girlfriends the must go!
As you can see they are not very big but when you have 6 big batteries to cram in there every little nook and cranny is precious.

The box is just a mock up for the actual size of the batteries that I want to use so I can try various ways way to maximize the space.
I started on these mounts first and it took me a while just to get one of them off so I may need to get a different wheel for the grinder that will make it easier/faster

As you can see it's nice and flat but I still have quite a few more to get off so I'll be busy with my new toy.

1 comment:

power tool batteries said...

power tool is useful in our life...