Jonny's Senior Project!

As most of you know I am about done with this silly school nonsense and I am working on a senior project. I would like to build an electric motorcycle and to do so I need some help. I am in serious need of some sponsors. If you are interested, just leave a comment or get a hold of me. All donations big or small are greatly appreciated and are 100% tax deductible!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welding Weekend 2!

It's finally complete! All the welding is done! Have to give a huge shout out to my Uncle Scott for such an amazing job he did and all the time he put into it for me. I got done there on Friday, and when I get there he tells me that it's is birthday and that his wife is going to take him out tonight. I would not have asked for his help if I knew it was his birthday! That's just how awesome he is he will put anything or anyone before himself. So he and his wife went out that night, then Saturday we got to work, it took a while to get started there were a few interruptions so we ended up working on it until 1:00 AM! I forgot my camera so most of these were taken with my phone.

The first thing we did was fix a mistake from last time, when we put the first battery in we did not leave a way for it to come out, so we had to bolt on the angel iron rather then weld it. This whole thing would have been a lot easier if it were not for the fact that I wanted to be able to take it apart at anytime.

This is the another bolt on piece for the second row of batteries that will allow for removal of the motor and first battery.

The mighty welder himself hard at work!

Wondering how in the crap he is going to get in that small space to weld.

We basically just kept rolling the bike over on all sides to get a good bead of weld everywhere that we needed it.
So they person that recommended the Optima bluetops to me told me that they had to be the bluetop in order to work. This caused a lot of headache and frustration for us because all of the battery pegs are on top of the batteries. The bluetop is the only optima that does not come in a side mount model. After some investigation and talking with Optima, the bluetop and the yellow actually have the same specs and the only difference is that the yellow can be used for starting and the blue cant. The yellowtop comes with the added benefit of side mount which gave us the extra pinch of space we were dieing for. So I will end up swapping out these blue's for yellow's.

This is the mount for the battery that goes under the seat with some stops on the back to keep it in place.

For the finishing touch the mount for the controller! I thought I had pictures for the top row of batteries but I guess not see my next post for the finished project.

Don't know what I would have down with out Scott's help he really helped make this dream project become a reality thanks Uncle Scott you're the greatest!

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