Jonny's Senior Project!

As most of you know I am about done with this silly school nonsense and I am working on a senior project. I would like to build an electric motorcycle and to do so I need some help. I am in serious need of some sponsors. If you are interested, just leave a comment or get a hold of me. All donations big or small are greatly appreciated and are 100% tax deductible!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

One more reason why not to use gas.

You may be thinking "Is it hard to do precision/accurate cutting with an angle grinder????" well yes it is actually difficult but I managed to do it with out screwing it up. I went to an E.V. meeting on Sunday and got to ride an electric motorcycle and it was awesome!!!! so now I am even more excited to finish it. He had also cut out the tank for room and I found another guy building an electric ( he is doing a GSX-R too like me so if you like mine you should definitely check out his) so I guess it is quite common so I started to cut away.
I ended up doing it in a few pieces to get it out leaving enough around the edges so there would still be something for it to rest rest on when it is sitting on the frame.
TTTAAAAAAA-DDDDAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! and here is the reason why we all should not be using gas! see how dirty the tank is on the inside? That does not happen with a zero emission vehicle like a totally awesome electric motorcycle!
I made a swipe with a rag so you can see what the tank is supposed to look like and what it does look like after years of use.
I cleaned up the inside a little bit so I could paint it, no one is going to see it so I was not too worried about getting it prefect just clean enough so the paint will stick to it.
I decided to go with black but as soon as I finished I regretted it. I am not sure if it will make much of a difference but I am concerned about heat and black might make it hotter then say white. If you have any experience with this or know if it actually will make any substantial difference let me know.
The best part is with this whole in the tank I am about 98% positive that I am going to be able to get 6 batteries on the bike to get the 72V I want. I only had 5 boxes made up and I left space for the 6th. I'll take some pictures when I get another box made up.

1 comment:

ZoomSmith said...

The space under the tank is minimal on GSX-R's, so the real payoff is weight savings.

Since the inside of the tank is not exposed to sunlight, the color is irrelavant. Black looks good.